Learning Log


Number of The Meeting Task

Topic of The Meeting


Vocabulary Usage

Example Taken from The Text


Meeting 1 Task

Introduction to the course

Lecture’s note

Incorporating = menggabungkan

Integrating = memadukan

(verb-ing = adjective)


E.g., Reason for incorporating, news, feature, and editorial writing into the curriculum for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) student teacher.


Learning to write news articles exposes EFL student teachers to current events and real-world issues. 

Active voice


Present tense

Meeting 2 Task

Learning English writing through news writing media landscape (news blogging/blog post format)

Lecture’s note

Conducive = kondusif

Allegations = tuduhan

(verb = adjective)


E.g., The collaborative atmosphere in the newsroom is conducive to creativity

Learning to conduct an analysis and organize the idea based on the news articles.

Active voice


Past tense

Meeting 3 Task

Understanding news values & elements.

Lecture’s note

Showcasing = menampilkan

Highlighting = menyoroti

(verb-ing = adjective)


E.g., Showcasing examples of news stories centred around conflict.


Highlighting the value of stories with a contemporary or trendy angle.

Learning to categorizing the structure that contains in the news articles.

Active voice


Present tense

Meeting 4 Task

Writing effective news article.


Noteworthy = penting

Overarching = menyeluruh


E.g., Straight reporting stories start with a brief summary of the entire noteworthy event.


Its purpose is to give readers greater insight into a bigger overarching story.


Learning to provide the effectiveness of news articles in order to explain and informs to the readers about facts in current events and real-world issues.

Active voice


Present tense

