Learning Log Meeting 3


Hello people, I'm Najibah Salsabila and i'm a college student in University Muhammadiyah of Tangerang. I was born in Tangerang and i have 2 sisters who's older than me. since elementary school i love reading book so much and i also have interesting with music jazz. thank you for looking my blog!

Learning Log Meeting 3

Nama and NIM

Najibah Salsabila (2088203080)


Syllabus Design


September 29, 2021


Wilson, G. H. (Ed.). (1976). Curriculum development and syllabus design for english teaching. Singapore: SEAMEO. Regional Language Centre.

Learned vocabularies, pronunciation & part of speech, and in context (e.g., in a sentence)






















Writing Strategies:

1. Framework = ˈfrāmˌwərk

Part of speech: Noun 

Indonesian: Kerangka  

Definitionan essential supporting structure of a building, vehicle, or object. 

e.g: "the theoretical framework of political sociology"  

Synonyms: substructure, structure


2. Spesification = spesəfəˈkāSH(ə)n

Part of speech: noun

Indonesian:  spesifikasi

Definition: an act of describing or identifying something precisely or of stating a precise requirement.

e.g: “give a full specification of the job advertised”

Synonyms: statement, identification, definition.  


3. Encounter = inˈkoun(t)ər

Part of speech: noun

Indonesian: bertemu

Definition: an unexpected or casual meeting with someone or something.

e.g: “he was very impressed by the encounter

Synonyms: Meeting, run into.




1. Prewriting:

Reading their articles and power point.

2.  Writing:

Make some notes for the important points.

3.  Revising:

Do a self-assessing and peer feedback.

4.  Proofreading:

Re-check the grammar.

5.  Publishing:

Post it on my blog.




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