Meeting 15
Nama and NIM |
NS (-) |
Topic |
Write a
News Story: Analyzing and Writing a News Story. |
Date |
July 03, 2023 |
Sources/Links |
Yakubovska, A. (2022). How to Write a News Story: Definition,
Structure, Types of the News Story. Think and Write For Work and Study.
news-story/#what-is-a-news-storynbsp. |
Learned vocabularies, pronunciation
& part of speech, and in context (e.g., in a sentence) |
1. Robbery [ˈräb(ə)rē] Part of
speech: noun. Indonesian: Perampokan. Definition: The action of taking property unlawfully from a
person or place by force or threat of force. e.g: “He was involved in drugs, extortion, and robbery." Synonyms: thievery, stealing, filching.
2. Refute [rəˈfyo͞ot] Part of
speech: verb. Indonesian: Menyangkal. Definition: Prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false. e.g: “These claims have not been convincingly refuted.” Synonyms: disprove, invalidate, confute. 3. Peculiarity [pɪˌkjuːlɪˈarɪti] Part of
speech: noun. Indonesian: Kekhasan. Definition: An odd or unusual feature or habit. e.g: “for all his peculiarities, she finds him quite endearing.” Synonyms: anomaly, abnormality, twist.
4. Absorb [əbˈsɔːbd] Part of
speech: verb. Indonesian: diserap. Definition: Take in or soak up (energy or a liquid or other
substance) by chemical or physical action. e.g: “Buildings can be designed to absorb and retain heat.” Synonyms: soak up, suck up, mop up.
5. Election [ɪˈlɛkʃ(ə)n] Part of
speech: noun. Indonesian: Pemilihan. Definition: a formal and organized choice by vote of a person
for a political office or other position. e.g: “The 1860 presidential election.” Synonyms: ballot, vote, poll.
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