Meeting 13

Nama and NIM

NS (-)


Creating a Survey: Sell an Ad for School Publications


June 19, 2023


Paper of group 4 “Group 4- Journalism 6A2” doc.

Learned vocabularies, pronunciation & part of speech, and in context (e.g., in a sentence)




















1. Inspection [inˈspekSH(ə)n]

Part of speech: noun.

Indonesian: Pemeriksaan.

Definition: Careful examination or scrutiny.

e.g: “On closer inspection it looked like a fossil.”

Synonyms: check up, investigation, survey.


2. Ensure [inˈSHo͝or]

Part of speech: verb.

Indonesian: Memastikan.

Definition: Make certain that (something) shall occur or be the case.

e.g: “The client must ensure that accurate records be kept.”

Synonyms: secure, guarantee, certify.


3. Undermine [ˌəndərˈmīn]

Part of speech: verb. 

Indonesian: mengurangi.

Definition: Lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially gradually or insidiously.

e.g: “This could undermine years of hard work.”

Synonyms: sabotage, threaten, weaken.


4. Skew [skyo͞o]

Part of speech: verb.

Indonesian: berbuat curang.

Definition: Make biased or distorted in a way that is regarded as inaccurate, unfair, or misleading.

e.g: “The curriculum is skewed toward the practical subjects.”

Synonyms: slant, misrepresent, alter.


5. Integrate [in(t)əˌɡrāt]

Part of speech: verb.

Indonesian: Mengintergrasikan.

Definition: Combine (one thing) with another so that they become a whole.

e.g: “Transportation planning should be integrated with energy policy.”

Synonyms: merge, unit, blend.




