Meeting 12
Nama and NIM | NS (-) |
Topic | Using Photographs: Writing Captions. |
Date | June 16, 2023 |
Sources/Links | Paper of Group 3 “Group 3- Journalism 6A2”.doc |
Learned vocabularies, pronunciation & part of speech, and in context (e.g., in a sentence) | 1. Extraneous [ikˈstrānēəs] Part of speech: adjective. Indonesian: Asing. Definition: Irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with. e.g: “One is obliged to wade through many pages of extraneous material.” Synonyms: immaterial, not to the point, off the subject.
2. Enlarged [inˈlärj] Part of speech: verb. Indonesian: Memperbesar. Definition: Make or become bigger or more extensive. e.g: “They have renovated and enlarged the four-story building.” Synonyms: puff up, increase in size, expand.
3. Intently [inˈtentlē] Part of speech: adverb. Indonesian: Dengan sungguh-sungguh. Definition: With earnest and eager attention. e.g: “He gazed at her intently.” Synonyms: with fascination, raptly, concentratedly.
4. Porous [ˈpôrəs] Part of speech: adjective. Indonesian: Berpori. Definition: (of a rock or other material) having minute spaces or holes through which liquid or air may pass. e.g: “Layers of porous limestones.” Synonyms: permable, sieve-like, holey.
5. Cram [kram] Part of speech: verb. Indonesian: Menjejalkan. Definition: Completely fill (a place or container) to the point that it appears to be overflowing. e.g: “The ashtray by the bed was crammed with cigarette butts.” Synonyms: jam, stuff to the gills, overload. |
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