Learning Log Meeting 7

Hello people, I'm Najibah Salsabila and i'm a college student in University Muhammadiyah of Tangerang. I was born in Tangerang and i have 2 sisters who's older than me. since elementary school i love reading book so much and i also have interesting with music jazz. thank you for looking my blog!

 Learning Log Meeting 7

Nama and NIM

Najibah Salsabila (2088203080)


Need Analysis


Oktober 27, 2021


Brown J.D. (1995). FL Curriculum Brown The Elements Of Language Curriculum

Richards C. Jack (2001) Curriculum Development in Language Teaching

Learned vocabularies, pronunciation & part of speech, and in context (e.g., in a sentence)






















 Writing Strategies:

1. Barrier = ˈberēər

Part of speech: noun

Indonesian: hambatan

Definition: a fence or other obstacle that prevents movement or access.

e.g: “the mountain barrier between Norway and Sweden”

Synonyms: fence, barricade, blockade 

2. Divert = dəˈvərt

Part of speech: verba

Indonesian: mengalihkan

Definition: cause (someone or something) to change course or turn from one direction to another.

e.g: “a scheme to divert water from the river to irrigate agricultural land”

Synonyms: turn, distract.

3. Dichotomy = [dīˈkädəmē]

Part of speech: Noun

Indonesian: Redistribusi

Definition: a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.

e.g: “a rigid dichotomy between science and mysticism”

Synonyms: Division, separation




1. Prewriting:

Reading their articles and power point.

2.  Writing:

Make some notes for the important points.

3.  Revising:

Do a self-assessing and peer feedback.

4.  Proofreading:

Re-check the grammar.

5.  Publishing:

Post it on my blog.




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