Learning Log Meeting 5

Hello people, I'm Najibah Salsabila and i'm a college student in University Muhammadiyah of Tangerang. I was born in Tangerang and i have 2 sisters who's older than me. since elementary school i love reading book so much and i also have interesting with music jazz. thank you for looking my blog!


Learning Log Meeting 5

Nama and NIM

Najibah Salsabila (2088203080)


Curriculum and Material of EFL in Indonesia


Oktober 13, 2021


Bautista, Maria Lourdes S., and Andrew B. Gonzalez. "Southeast Asian Englishes." The Handbook of World Englishes. Blackwell, 2006.

Asriyanti E., Sikki A., Rahman A., Hamra A., & Noni, N. (2013). The competence of primary school English teachers in Indonesia. Journal of Education and Practice 4(11), 139-146

Sadtono, E.  1988. Problems and progress in teaching English as a foreign language   in   Indonesia.   In   Sadtono, E.   (ed.)   Malang: Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Pascasarjana, IKIP Malang. 1-28

Learned vocabularies, pronunciation & part of speech, and in context (e.g., in a sentence)




































Writing Strategies:

1. Occupation = ä-kyə-ˈpā-shən   

Part of speech: noun

Indonesian: pekerjaan

Definition: an activity in which one engages

e.g: “pursuing pleasure has been his major occupation.”

Synonyms: work, employment,


2. Blunder = bləndər

Part of speech: verb

Indonesian: kesalahan besar

Definition: serious mistake, usually caused by not taking care or thinking:

e.g: Police blundered by not releasing more details about the case to focus publicinterest.

Synonyms: error

3. Deliberated = di-ˈli-bə-ˌrāt/

Part of speech: verb

Indonesian: berunding

Definition: to think about or discuss issues and decisions carefully

e.g: The jury deliberated for several days before reaching a verdict.

Synonyms: negotiate


4. Exhort = ig-ˈzȯrt 

Part of speech: verb

Indonesian: mendesak

Definition: to give warnings or advice make urgent appeals

e.g: “He exhorted his people to take back their land.”

Synonyms: encourage


5. Discrepancy = di-ˈskre-pən-sē 

Part of speech: noun

Indonesian: perbedan

Definition: the quality or state of disagreeing or being at variance

e.g: “Discrepancies in the firm's financial statements led to an investigation”

Synonyms: contrast, difference.




1. Prewriting:

Reading their articles and power point.

2.  Writing:

Make some notes for the important points.

3.  Revising:

Do a self-assessing and peer feedback.

4.  Proofreading:

Re-check the grammar.

5.  Publishing:

Post it on my blog.




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