Learning Log Meeting 13

 Learning Log Meeting 13

Nama and NIM

Najibah Salsabila (2088203080)


Instructional Material Design


December 15, 2021


Arif, S., & Yanawati. (2018). Pengantar Desain Pembelajaran.

Nasution, S., Afrianto, H., NURFADILLAH SALAM, S. & J., Nim, N., Sadjati, I. M., Agent, S. G., Sifat, T., Dan, F., Studi, P., Pangan, T., Pertanian, F. T., Katolik, U., Mandala, W., & Aceh, D. (2017). Berbagai Pendekatan dalam Proses Belajar dan Mengajar. Pendidikam, 3(1), 1–62. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004

Nurcahyati, R. (2017). Model Desain Instruksional ADDIE. Ranah Teknologi. https://ranahteknologi.wordpress.com/2017/12/01/model-desain-instruksional-addie/

Richards, J. C. (2001). Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. In Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. https://doi.org/10.1017/cbo9780511667220

Sari, desi novita anggun. (2018). pengertian dan peran bahan ajar dalam proses pembelajaran. NoevitahamizanBloG. http://noevitahamizan.blogspot.com/p/normal-0-false-false-false-en-us-x-none_12.html


Learned vocabularies, pronunciation & part of speech, and in context (e.g., in a sentence)



















Writing Strategies:

1. Sophisticated [səˈfistəˌkādəd]

Part of speech: adjective

Indonesian: rumit

Definition: (of a machine, system, or technique) developed to a high degree of complexity.

e.g: “highly sophisticated computer systems”

Synonyms: intricate, complicated, complex.


2. Genuine [ˈjenyo͞oən]


Part of speech: adjective

Indonesian: tulus

Definition: truly what something is said to be; authentic.

e.g: “she had no doubt as to whether Tom wa genuine”

Synonyms: sincere, real, pure.


3. Ensure inˈSHo͝or]

Part of speech: verb

Indonesian: memastikan

Definition: make certain that (something) shall occur or be the case

e.g: “the client must ensure that accurate records be kept”

Synonyms: secure, guarantee, warrant, confirm, check, verify.


1. Prewriting:

Reading their articles and power point.

2.  Writing:

Make some notes for the important points.

3.  Revising:

Do a self-assessing and peer feedback.

4.  Proofreading:

Re-check the grammar.

5.  Publishing:

Post it on my blog.




