Learning Log Meeting 6

Hello people, I'm Najibah Salsabila and i'm a college student in University Muhammadiyah of Tangerang. I was born in Tangerang and i have 2 sisters who's older than me. since elementary school i love reading book so much and i also have interesting with music jazz. thank you for looking my blog!

 Learning Log Meeting 6

Nama and NIM

Najibah Salsabila (2088203080)


Curriculum Merdeka Belajar (Free of Learning)


Oktober 23, 2021


Gowan, P. (2003). Us: Un. New Left Review, 24, 5–28.

Hasim, E. (2020). Prosiding Webinar Magister Pendidikan Dasar Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Gorontalo “ Pengembangan Profesionalisme Guru Melalui Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Menuju Anak Merdeka Belajar ” Gorontalo, 14 Juli 2020 ISBN: xxxxxxxxxxx. 85–94.

Kemendikbud. (2019a). Empat Pokok Kebijakan Merdeka Belajar.

Kemendikbud. (2019b). Merdeka belajar 11.

Tohir, M. (2020). Buku Panduan Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/ujmte

Us, A., Unit, B., Us, C., & Belajar, M. (2020). MERDEKA BELAJAR ( FREEDOM TO LEARN ). 1–5.


Learned vocabularies, pronunciation & part of speech, and in context (e.g., in a sentence)


































 Writing Strategies:

1. Occupation = ä-kyə-ˈpā-shən   

Part of speech: noun

Indonesian: pekerjaan

Definition: an activity in which one engages

e.g: “pursuing pleasure has been his major occupation.”

Synonymous: work, employment,


2. Blunder = bləndər

Part of speech: verb

Indonesian: kesalahan besar

Definition: serious mistake, usually caused by not taking care or thinking:

e.g: Police blundered by not releasing more details about the case to focus publicinterest.

Synonymous: error

3. Deliberated = di-ˈli-bə-ˌrāt/

Part of speech: verb

Indonesian: berunding

Definition: to think about or discuss issues and decisions carefully

e.g: The jury deliberated for several days before reaching a verdict.

Synonymous: negotiate


4. Exhort = ig-ˈzȯrt 

Part of speech: verb

Indonesian: mendesak

Definition: to give warnings or advice make urgent appeals

e.g: “He exhorted his people to take back their land.”

Synonymous: encourage


5. Discrepancy = di-ˈskre-pən-sē 

Part of speech: noun

Indonesian: perbedan

Definition: the quality or state of disagreeing or being at variance

e.g: “Discrepancies in the firm's financial statements led to an investigation”

Synonymous: contrast, difference.




1. Prewriting:

Reading their articles and power point.

2.  Writing:

Make some notes for the important points.

3.  Revising:

Do a self-assessing and peer feedback.

4.  Proofreading:

Re-check the grammar.

5.  Publishing:

Post it on my blog.




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